hdr about us

You are granted permission to use the logos (png) files below for materials promoting your food collection and donation activities on behalf of Project Topeka Community Food Drive.

Thank you for your support!

Please use the logos as provided—alteration of colors, graphic placement or other attributes should be avoided. Resizing is permitted as long as the text remains readable. Note: files are larger than they appear on this page. Vector files are available by contacting Project Topeka.

(Right click to save the image to your computer.)



(Right click to save the image to your computer.)






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Help us defeat hunger today—donate to Project Topeka now!

Project Topeka Affiliated Food Banks

Doorstep, Inc.  •  Fellowship & Faith Ministries, Inc.  •  I-Care, Inc.  •  Let's Help  •  The Salvation Army  •  Topeka North Outreach  •  Topeka Rescue Mission