hdr donate

There are many great reasons to donate to Project Topeka—here are our "Top 10":

10. Food is necessary for sustaining life.

  9. One donation helps seven local not-for-profits feed families in need.

  8. You know exactly where your donation is going—Topeka and Shawnee County.

  7. Monetary donations provide funds to buy meat and other perishables as needed.

  6. Through bulk purchasing, donations provide more food for the dollar.

  5. Recipients of food are tracked so the agencies know they aren't abusing the system.

  4. Each dollar donated provides more than 1.5 pounds of food for the hungry.

  3. Hunger is a growing problem, especially among the elderly and children.

  2. 100% of your donation goes to providing food.


Ready to help? Click here to donate now.

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Help us defeat hunger today—donate to Project Topeka now!

Project Topeka Affiliated Food Banks

Doorstep, Inc.  •  Fellowship & Faith Ministries, Inc.  •  I-Care, Inc.  •  Let's Help  •  The Salvation Army  •  Topeka North Outreach  •  Topeka Rescue Mission